Christ 2R Culture

A Great Way to Read The Bible


People often ask me, "What is your favorite way to read through the Bible?" In seminary, I ran across The Narrated Bible by F. LaGard Smith. This is my favorite way to have a regular Bible study. Some of the reasons I like it are:

  • It is the entire NIV text put into chronological order. This makes the Bible read like a story. You don't get lost in Chronicles and Kings with repeated stories that feel out of order.
  • It is divided into 365 reading. Just read one section per day and you cover the Bible in a year.
  • One of my favorite parts of this Bible are the brief commentaries that accompanies the text. These explanations range from half a page to multiple pages in length. This helps demystify Bible books and difficult Bible passages.

If you haven't read through the Bible, or if you are a seasoned pro, I recommend this Bible for your Daily Bible reading. I know you will be blessed.
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