Christ 2R Culture

The problem is always sin.... the answer is always Jesus

I Am a Widow Getting Remarried, What Pitfalls Should I Avoid?

When I was a young pastor, an older couple shared with me one particular pitfall of remarriage to avoid. I haven’t forgotten their words.

Avoid the pitfall of comparison. If you enjoyed an excellent marriage with your deceased spouse, it will be tempting to let your conversations with your new mate drift into comparing your new mate with your deceased spouse. While you love your former mate, that marriage can not move forward. It is only your new marriage that has a future. Sharing your thoughts on how your deceased spouse compares to your new mate will chafe a sore spot in your new marriage. It leaves your new spouse wishing your heart was focused on enjoying them rather than rehearsing memories from the past.

Be thankful for the time God gave you with your deceased spouse. Move forward with your new relationship. Don’t allow your past to haunt your present.
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