Christ 2R Culture

The problem is always sin.... the answer is always Jesus

I Am a Wife Who Has Had Many Children. I Would Like to Get Breast Augmentation and/or Cosmetic Surgery For My Stomach. Is This Okay?

This is between you, your spouse, your doctor and the Lord. There are health risks to consider. A woman should make this a matter of prayer, asking God to help her understand her motives. These kind of surgeries are not wrong in themselves. They are done for survivors of cancer and other deforming diseases. It is not necessarily wrong for a woman to have these types of surgeries if her intent is to please her husband.


Can Someone Be An Openly Gay Christian?

To answer this, it will be helpful to break this question down.

Should I Tell My Spouse If I Look at Internet Porn?

Yes. This is a serious issue. Not only have you sinned against God, you have sinned against your spouse. Pornography will affects the intimacy in your marriage. Frequently, your spouse will be able to sense your distance and guilt. Pornography causes a spouse to suffer, even if it isn’t confessed to them.

Is It Sinful to Be Sterilized?

Sterilization poses a significant issue if only because of how many people are resorting to it. Studies done in the 1970s show sterilization is the most frequently used form of contraception in the world, and as of 1979, the second most frequently used among Americans. By 1976, 30 percent of all widowed, divorced and separated women and single mothers aged fifteen to forty-four in the U.S. had been surgically sterilized. Nearly the same percent among all U.S. married couples had at least one partner sterilized. By 1977 nearly ten million persons in the U.S. had been sterilized. Those figures include an average of one million per year from 1974 to 1977.(1)

If Wife Constantly Says “No,” Is It Acceptable For a Husband to Stimulate Himself?

The second part of this question is answered in another article on masturbation. The real issue is the first part of the question. Why is a wife constantly saying, “No” to marital intimacy?


I Am Living With My Fiancé. We Are Having Sex. How Do I Talk To Him About Waiting?

Just tell him you are done having sex until you are married. I don’t care where you tell him or when you tell him, just tell him. Tell him today, not next week. I know he won’t like it. He needs to move out. You need separate places to live. Don’t tell me you can’t afford two separate places. You can’t afford NOT to honor God. The damage you are causing from your sin far outweighs anything it will cost in cash to live in abstinence until your wedding. If he can’t afford to move out, you shouldn’t be getting married to him because he is not prepared to take on the manly responsibility of a wife.

Why Do Young Men Have Such Strong Sexual Desires?

I like the way Mark Driscoll answered this question. To motivate them to grow up so they can take a wife. Nearly every man wants to have sex and has a strong sexual desire. Those desires should motivate him to study hard, walk faithfully with God, compete courageously in life, leave home and pursue a career where he can support himself and a family. Then, when God blesses him by bringing the woman he should marry into his life, he can marry her and be a blessing to her, not a burden on her.

I Was Intimate With a Previous Woman. How Will That Affect My Future Marriage?

The first thing to avoid is the false understanding that your previous sin won’t affect your marriage. Sin affects. That’s the nature of sin. It is destructive by nature. Can the affects of premarital sin be overcome? Yes. Jesus died to forgive sin and to make us into a new creation.

What Are Some Common Reasons Marital Sex Is Not Enjoyable?

There are a number of reasons why marital sex may not be enjoyable:


What About Masturbation? I Can’t Find Anything In The Bible About This?

In an effort to be helpful, let me address this both biblically and practically. First, we need to define it. Masturbation is genital self-pleasuring. I am not counting as masturbation genital pleasuring between a married couple. What a married couple does together is for their pleasure and freedom. What I am referring to by masturbation is self-pleasuring done in isolation, which is usually accompanied by unbiblical lust.


What Can I Do To Stop Being Tempted Sexually?

Hebrews 4:15 tells us Jesus was tempted in every way as we are, yet he did not sin. Because Jesus was a fully human virgin male, we can safely assume that some of the temptations he faced were sexual in nature. Jesus never gave in to those temptations. He is our sinless and perfect God.

Is It a Sin To Notice a Woman is Beautiful?

No. It is not a sin.

At What Age Should a Parent Speak to Their Child About Sex?

Christian parents should be the first to speak to their children on these issues. The best age to speak to a child on these issues varies but if a parent is to err, it is better to err by bringing up this subject too early than too late.

What About Birth Control?

The number of birth control options continues to increase, so has the need for discernment in using them. To help understand the options available, we can differentiate them by breaking them into five different categories.

Is It True That God Will Not Hear the Prayers of Someone In Sexual Sin?

If you are a Christian who has committed or is committing sexual sin, the shame and the guilt of your sin will certainly make you feel distant from God. Sexual sin does have ramifications for our prayer life and our relationship with God.

How Do You Recover From Being Betrayed Sexually and Learn to Forgive and Trust Your Spouse Again?

This is a huge issue. Restoration will not happen overnight. It needs prayer and patience to rebuild the broken trust. Sometimes you need someone beside yourselves, like a pastor or elder, to help walk you though this.
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