Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny

In this final message, we wrap up the series by looking at how the Bible says God will wrap up the world. It may not be what you thought. Even though the sins of a Christian are forgiven through Christ, that does not mean their lives will escape serious review. The deeds of our life are always the basis for judgment. Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn how our choices will impact our eternity even if we are forgiven.

Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Response and Eternal Destiny - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

Doctrine - Christ's Return

What happens after we die? Do we reincarnate? Do we go to purgatory to burn off our sin? Does everybody go to Heaven, no matter how we lived? Do we sit on a cloud and play a harp? In this message, you will learn the biblical truth what happens to us after death. You will also learn, through an overview of the book of Revelation, about the expanding kingdom of Christ as His rule is extended over all of creation in upon His return.

Doctrine - Christ's Return - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Christ's Return - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

Doctrine - Christian Living

Pastors and Christian counselors are approached every week by people with problems. Some are struggling with an alcohol addiction, men are struggling with internet pornography, women are struggling with materialism. While everyone needs help, the real issue for these problems is much deeper. Most of our struggles come from worshiping the wrong thing! When we worship Christ, most of our problems fade away. Join Dr. Trucksess as we learn how what we worship determines how we live.

Doctrine - Christian Living - Audio - MP3
Doctrine - Christian Living - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
Doctrine - Christian Living - Manuscript - PDF
Doctrine - Christian Living - Sermon Handout - PDF
Doctrine - Christian Living - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF