Church Conflict

James 3:17-4:3 - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight?

You would expect the church to be a place where the peace of Christ reigns in the heart. Unfortunately, that is often far from the truth. The church has become known as a battlefield of wills. What should we do when our church changes in a way we didn't expect? How should we respond when we don't like what our church has become. In this message, James gives us godly wisdom on how to navigate church conflict.

James - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight? - Audio - MP3
James - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight? - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
James - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight? - Manuscript - PDF
James - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight? - Sermon Handout - PDF
James - What's Wrong with a Good Church Fight? - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

James 3:13-15 - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking

James taught us there is something called Fake Faith. It is a counterfeit faith in Jesus that will not save in the end. The way you can tell the difference between saving faith and fake faith is that only saving faith changes our lives. Saving faith doesn't just prompt us to acts of mercy and compassion but it even changes the way we think. It gives us a different set of values, a whole new understanding of what is foolish and what is wise.

James - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking - Audio - MP3
James - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking - Quicktime and IPhone Audio - M4A
James - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking - Manuscript - PDF
James - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking - Sermon Handout - PDF
James - Saving Faith Changes My Thinking - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF