John 8:12-20 - Light of the World

Where was Jesus in the Old Testament? Was he on vacation until 0 A.D.? In this message, we discover Jesus was surprisingly active. What we learn from following him in the Old Testament teach us how we follow him today.

John on Jesus - Light of the World - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - Light of the World - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

John 5:31-47 - Proving Jesus is the Son of God

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. When someone claims that today, we put them in a rubber room and have men in white coats medicate them. That is the same reaction the Jewish leaders of the 1st century had to Jesus. The difference is Jesus had proof to substantiate his claims. Join us as we discover how Jesus proved his claim to be the Son of God.

John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - Proving Jesus is the Son of God - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

John 5:16-29 - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son

Is your Christian worship unchristian? Many in the church make too little of Christ. Jesus is treated like power windows. He is a nice accessory but he isn't the center of our life, faith and worship. In this message we discover how much emphasis God the Father asks us to place on God the Son.

John on Jesus - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - To Honor God the Father, Honor God the Son - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF

John 3:16 - The Greatest Verse in the Bible

John 3:16 is the most famous verse in the Bible. It has made inroads into popular culture appearing on cups, shopping bags and even Tim Tebow's eye paint! What shocking truth does it tell us that we take for granted? Even worse, it is possible to know John 3:16 but fail to have its truth a reality in your life. In this message, we see the power of John 3:16 in a way we may have missed.

John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Audio - MP3
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - M4A
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Manuscript - PDF
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Sermon Handout - PDF
John on Jesus - The Greatest Verse in the Bible - Small Group Work Sheet - PDF