Reasons to Believe - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation

NOTE: Because of poor sound quality , no audio files are available of the Q&A session.

For the last week of this series, I asked a good friend, Dr. Tom Tribelhorn, director of doctoral studies for St. Petersburg Seminary, and author of "My Professor Says the Bible is a Myth" to share with us about the relationship between evidence and the Christian faith. In his message, Dr. Tom shows how Jesus used evidence in the life of Nicodemus to present him with his spiritual need. In addition to his presentation, the congregation generated a list of questions they had about the Christians faith which we used for a church-wide Question & Answer time with the doctor.

Reasons to Believe Your Bible - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation - Dr. Tom Tribelhorn - Audio - MP3
Reasons to Believe Your Bible - The Place of Evidence in the Faith Equation - Dr. Tom Tribelhorn - Quicktime - M4A
My Professor Says the Bible is a Myth - Web Site

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