Christ 2R Culture

Isn’t It Smarter to Live Together Before We Marry So We Know If We Are Compatible?

This is a common question. It puzzles me. What is it that might be incompatible? If your personalities are incompatible, you need to get to know each other better, not move in. Are you wondering if you are physically compatible? Unless one of you is a guppy and the other an elephant, physical incompatibilities should not be an issue. The mechanics of intimacy are relatively straight-forward.

I Am a Widow Getting Remarried. What Pitfalls Should I Avoid?

When I was a young pastor, an older couple shared with me one particular pitfall of remarriage to avoid. I haven’t forgotten their words.

My Husband Is Not Really Interested In Sex Anymore, But I Am. Now What?

There may be a variety of issues behind this. As men age, their testosterone level decreases. In addition, if a man’s health begins to decline on account of obesity, lack of exercise or stress, his interest in sexual activity will decrease.

At What Age Should You Start Thinking/Seriously Considering Getting Married?

This is not a one-size-fits-all question but here are some general principles to help.