Christ 2R Culture

What Would Jesus Do With The Super Bowl?

Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner. The Super Bowl has become an unofficial national holiday with 114.4 million people tuning in for the game. The Super Bowl is not just famous for football. It is also famous for its witty commercials. In previous years, the game featured 71 commercials with a cost $4.5 million per 30 second slot.

The Super Bowl is also the second largest day of food consumption in our nation. The only day we eat more is Thanksgiving. During the Super Bowl, Americans will eat 1.23 billion chicken wings, 615 million chickens, 28 million pounds of chips and down 8 million pounds of guacamole.

The game has become an annual celebration we enjoy with our family and friends. While most watching that Sunday claim they gather for the football, one in every five admit they watch simply to be with friends.

Is there anything Jesus would have us to do with this fun-filled football Sunday? What would Jesus do with the Super Bowl?

What Are The Basics Of Baptism?

What is Baptism?

Baptism is a public immersion of a believer under water. It is generally performed in the presence of other Christians. It is a public picture of identification with Christ's death, burial and resurrection being the source of your life. The Bible tells us, in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, that Christ died for our sins, he was buried and rose again. In Colossians 2:12, it tells us baptism is a picture of our identification with Christ's death, burial and resurrection being where we place our confidence for forgiveness of our sins and relationship with God.

NOTE - Baptism doesn't make you a Christian. It is a public declaration of what you believe. Baptism is like a wedding ring. It is the outward symbol of the commitment you made before God in your heart.