Christ 2R Culture

1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour

On June 18, 1940, Winston Churchhill delivered a speech to Britain after the fall of France to the Germans. Churchhill braced England for a battle upon which he believed the survival of Christian civilization now stood. He believed that if England did not successfully hold off the Germans, the whole world, including the United States, would plunge into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister by Hitler’s perverted science. If England lasted a thousand years, he was sure history would look back on their defense of freedom in the face of Hitler’s fury as the nation’s finest hour. This weekend, we look at King Saul’s finest hour as he rallies a nation in a last-ditch effort to defend freedom and stop an evil tyrant.

1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - MP3
1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour
- Manuscript - PDF
1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour - Sermon Handout Viewable - PDF
1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour - Sermon Handout Booklet - PDF
1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour - Sermon Handout Booklet With Blanks - PDF
1 Samuel 11 - Saul's Finest Hour - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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