Christ 2R Culture

Introduction To The Ten Commandments

In 2003, the media was focused on the Ten Commandment judge. Roy Moore refused to comply with a lawsuit brought by the ACLU to have a large stone copy of the Ten Commandments from the state judiciary in Alabama. No matter what you think about the appropriateness of the presence of the Ten Commandments in public buildings, what isn't debatable is the Ten Commandments being the basis for most of our judicial and legal system. In this message, we are introduced to the Ten Commandments and learn why God gave them.

Introduction To The Ten Commandments - Quicktime and iPhone Audio - AAC
Introduction To The Ten Commandments
- Manuscript - PDF
Introduction To The Ten Commandments - Sermon Handout - PDF
Introduction To The Ten Commandments - Sermon Handout with blanks - PDF
Introduction To The Ten Commandments - Editable Sermon Notes - DOCX
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